As always in motherhood, two things can be true: while some may refer pregnancy stretch marks as ‘tiger stripes’, symbolizing the endurance growing a human requires, others can see them as a source of insecurity.
Pregnancy stretch marks are rarely discussed through the lens of maternal mental health and body image—even if they are incredibly common and impossible to prevent. While you may feel more worried about your baby, preparing for their arrival and creating your birth plan, once you start noticing them in the mirror, they can stir up all sorts of emotions, some of which you might not expect.
For some mothers, these marks are like battle scars—they’re visible proof that your body went through the amazing process of pregnancy. There’s a sense of pride and empowerment in them for these women. But for others, these pregnancy stretch marks can quickly become a big concern, especially if you had an idea of what you wanted your belly to look like during and after pregnancy. They can cause self-consciousness—and you might find yourself constantly tugging at your shirt to cover them or feeling uncomfortable and insecure during sex.
To put it simply: pregnancy stretch marks are complicated. They’re more than just lines on your skin— the emotions they bring can be difficult to deal with. But remember, as you navigate through these new feelings, you’re not alone in it.
“Women embracing their stretch marks after pregnancy is part of the bigger struggle postpartum women have of accepting their bodies after pregnancy. So much has changed both inside and outside of their bodies, and it can be challenging both physically and emotionally. It’s a journey of self acceptance and body positivity which is not for the faint of heart. Ironically, it is also a great introduction to motherhood which requires courage and resilience,” Sara Haley, AFPA Pre and postnatal exercise specialist, said.
In this article, we want to help you understand the causes and impact of pregnancy stretch marks on your body and confidence. We’ll cover everything below to help you on your journey to acceptance.
- What Are Pregnancy Stretch Marks?
- What Causes Pregnancy Stretch Marks?
- Can You Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks?
- Why Do Some Women Embrace Stretch Marks While Others Struggle?

What Are Pregnancy Stretch Marks?
It’s estimated 8 in 10 women will develop a degree of pregnancy stretch marks during those long 40 weeks. If you’ve never seen them before, they are those narrow streaks or lines that develop when the skin is stretched beyond its capacity during pregnancy.
Stretch marks can appear when your skin is stretched due to your growing belly, expanding breasts, or extra weight being put on during your pregnancy. They can appear on your stomach, upper thighs or breasts as your pregnancy progresses. And just like pretty much everything else in pregnancy, they vary from woman to woman.
During pregnancy, the lines can take on many different colors depending on your skin tone, like pink, brown, purple or red. Sometimes, the lines can fade over time and just look like a lighter version of your skin color, but they may not entirely disappear. Regardless of their color, the place on your body or their thickness, these marks are like a visual storybook of your pregnancy—unique to you and your body.
What Causes Pregnancy Stretch Marks?
So what actually causes pregnancy stretch marks? There’s so many things that come into play here and these marks might pop up when you least expect them. Some women may think they’re in the clear and then boom, 34 weeks, the stretch marks appear.
Skin Stretching and Hormonal Changes
If you experienced some stretch marks during puberty, then you may be familiar with what they look like—but do you know what causes them to pop up? In short, pregnancy stretch marks happen when your body grows faster than your skin can. When you think about it, growing an entire human in your belly in nine months is a ‘short’ amount of time in the scheme of life (though it might not feel that way at the time).
It’s fast, and as your stomach expands each month, your skin will likely need to stretch to accommodate the ever-expanding bump.
While this is one of the most noticeable components of these marks, it’s actually only one part of it. During pregnancy, increased cortisone production weakens elastic fibers, making the skin more susceptible to these stretch marks. Knowing this can help you make sense of these changes. They’re natural, and in several ways, unavoidable. Knowing why they’re happening can help you be more accepting of your body, which is so important during pregnancy.
Genetic Factors
Your genetics can also come into play with pregnancy stretch marks. They might just run into the family, and if your mother had these marks, you are also more likely to have them. It might not be helpful to know it’s out of your control, but managing your expectations can be helpful when it comes to accepting your body’s changes. Instead of getting disappointed in yourself for ‘causing’ these marks, focus on your skin health by drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated or using a moisturizer to ensure these marks don’t get dry. While these strategies won’t prevent or eliminate pregnancy stretch marks, they can help you feel more empowered and improve your overall health.
Weight Gain
Another reason pregnancy stretch marks might appear is due to rapid weight gain. But, it’s normal to gain weight outside of your growing baby’s weight during pregnancy. For most women, it’s the fastest amount of weight they’ll gain in a short period of time—and our bodies aren’t used to this rapid change. Remember that weight gain is normal, it looks different for everyone, and the main priority is your health. Ensure you’re eating a balanced and healthy diet during pregnancy, which is also super helpful for your baby’s sleep and mental health.
In the end, whether it’s your skin stretching, hormonal changes, genetics, or the amount of weight you gain during pregnancy, understanding these causes can help you accept these stretch marks as part of the natural process of growing your baby.
Can You Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks?
We’re sorry to bear the news, but no, you can’t. There is no product, cream or moisturizer that can guarantee the prevention of stretch marks. If the bottle says it can—they’re lying.
However, you can use moisturizer and other creams to improve your skin’s elasticity and hydration and overall skin health during pregnancy. If your skin looks more hydrated and smoother, it can help reduce the lines’ appearance and increase your confidence. Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins, like vitamins A, C, E and D and minerals like zinc can also help your skin’s elasticity.
While it’s impossible to stop the growth of these pregnancy stretch marks, you can take care of your skin health during pregnancy, which can help you feel more empowered and confident.

Why Do Some Women Embrace Stretch Marks While Others Struggle?
“Stretch marks can physically represent our expanding inner self in our identities, capabilities, and growth as mothers. It can also be a reminder that our body changes without our control and that can be scary,” Dr. Dana Wang, a psychiatrist said “Change can be an exciting opportunity, but is also mixed in with the grief for what’s no longer and what’s familiar.”
Body Neutrality and Acceptance
Some mothers see their stretch marks as a badge of honor that symbolizes their journey to motherhood through pregnancy. They may even proudly embrace these lines and see them as a physical representation of the strength and resilience it took to grow their baby. This mindset can help women accept their marks as they’re so deeply tied to motherhood. Therapists emphasize the importance of practicing self-compassion and viewing stretch marks as a testament to their body’s capacity to bring a human into the world.
Cultural and Social Influences
But accepting your pregnancy stretch marks is easier said than done in today’s society. Stretch marks are not considered “pretty” or the “ideal beauty standard” for women. Women in the United States are at a higher risk of experiencing body image issues because of the pressure to match unrealistic beauty standards in society and culture. Due to this, stretch marks can be seen as imperfections instead of a testament to your body’s strength. Understanding and tuning out these external pressures can help you focus on your personal experience rather than society’s and navigate your feelings. In fact, in certain African cultures, stretch marks are referred to as “tiger stripes.” These stripes are actually signs of beauty and strength in these cultures.
Emotional and Psychological Factors
For other women, their journey to accepting their pregnancy stretch marks is more difficult. They can be heavily tied to self-esteem and body image, which makes it more challenging to accept. These lines can be a visible reminder that their body will never be the same after pregnancy. While everyone will encourage you to be positive about your stretch marks, it’s okay if you need time to be upset, to mourn the belly you imagined and be frustrated you now have stretch marks that will stick with you for life. You don’t have to love them, you just have to learn to accept them over time.
If you feel yourself hating your body because of these marks, try to surround yourself with supportive individuals who engage in positive self-talk, or in other words, help you process and come to terms with your new, changing body. There’s nothing better than a friend who makes you feel like the best version of yourself and provides the space you need to explore your feelings and find ways to understand and accept them. You could also try affirmations daily or following social media influencers focusing on body acceptance. Here are some of our favorite affirmations to use. Even though saying them might feel awkward, they really can make a difference.
- I am beautiful.
- I am strong.
- My body is beautiful the way it is.
- I do not need to change myself for anyone.
For most women, the process of accepting stretch marks takes time—and that’s okay. When you’re dealing with many other stressors in postpartum, you may not feel super-motivated to find the silver lining in stretch marks you find, well, annoying. Just remember, like most trials in motherhood, you’ll eventually find your own way.
“In my experience, veteran moms rarely dwell on their stretch marks. If they are concerned, they find ways to dress that make them feel more comfortable and confident.,” Haley explained. She adds it is crucial for women to remain active and connected to their bodies. This is a way to build confidence— not about erasing stretch marks but about feeling strong, fit, and empowered in your body. By focusing on moving your body, she says you can move beyond the worry of stretch marks and embrace your journey with a renewed perspective.
Pregnancy stretch marks are so common and result from many different things, like the stretching of your skin, weight gain, hormonal changes or genetic factors. They can appear on your stomach, breasts, thighs or hips and vary in color and size. Remember, there is no way to prevent these marks, but moisturizing and eating plenty of vitamins and minerals can improve skin health during pregnancy.
We know that embracing these marks can be difficult, but they are a physical reminder of just how strong your body is, and that’s something to celebrate.
Esha Minhas is a third-year student at Northeastern University studying Journalism and Political Science. She's currently the editorial and social intern for Mila & Jo Media. Esha is also the Deputy Sports Editor for The Huntington News and covers Northeastern men's hockey. When she's not busy with work or school, you can find her at the gym, baking for her friends and family and watching anything sports related.
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