Here Are the Benefits of Combo-Feeding Your Baby (For You & Them!)

Supplementing with formula, pumping and bottle-feeding breast milk and breastfeeding = a combo that gives everyone a turn to care for baby.

If you’re here, it is probably because you’re considering combo feeding your little on —also known as mixed feeding—and you’re wondering if it is the right choice for you and your baby’s needs. If you don’t know what it is, lactation consultant Sarah Peck, RN, MSN, IBCLC, explains combo feeding is when you feed your baby both formula and breast milk. For many mothers and families, it’s offers the best of both worlds. 

Combo feeding provides  flexibility when it comes to feeding and it can take pressure off of a woman to be the sole provider of her baby’s nutritional needs. Whether you’re returning to work after maternity leave, struggling with engorgement or low supply or you just don’t like breastfeeding around the clock, combo feeding may be the solution. 

While many women enjoy breastfeeding and find it to be one of the most fulfilling and bonding experiences of motherhood, it  is not always enjoyable. Sometimes exclusively breastfeeding just isn’t the best option, so mixing in formula can provide a much-needed balance and break. You can breastfeed when possible and then feed your baby formula when you need a break or are away from your baby. If your supply isn’t catching up to your baby’s nursing needs, combo-feeding can alleviate the anxiety you may feel. 

“Combination feeding offers a balanced approach that can adapt to your family’s needs while ensuring your baby gets the nutrients they need to thrive. I’d remind parents who feel any stigma: every family’s feeding journey is unique,” lactation consultant and Lovevery Childhood Development Expert Breana Barron, IBCLC, DNP, shared. . “There is no one ‘right way’ for everyone. As a lactation consultant, I encourage mothers to focus on what works best for their health, their baby’s health, and their family’s unique dynamics. Feeding your baby with love and care is what truly matters.”

Here we delve into all the benefits of combo feeding your baby. With expert advice and guidance from people who know combo feeding best, we provide trusted information on why  combo feeding can be the solution to your breastfeeding problems and how to create a formula and breastfeeding plan that fits your needs and goals.

  • What is Combo Feeding?
  • Benefits of Combo Feeding for Your Baby
  • Benefits of Combo Feeding for Moms
  • Practical Tips for Successful Combo Feeding

What is Combo Feeding?

Combo feeding is the practice of supplementing breastfeeding with formula, allowing you to combine the nutritional benefits of breast milk with the convenience of formula. Also known as mixed feeding, this approach to feeding can be tailored to your family’s individual needs. For example, if you’re returning to work, breastfeeding all day might no longer be an option. Especially if you have low supply and can’t build up a stash for your baby. 

So, supplementing with formula can be an excellent way for you to keep working and for your baby to get the nutrients they need.. Lastly, if you enjoy  breastfeeding but don’t want the extreme pressure of having your child’s nutritional needs resting solely on your chest (literally), which is okay, combo feeding can provide you with the relief you want and likely need. 

Different Combo Feeding Options

So,  how do you do it? What is the best approach to combo-feeding an infant? As with everything in parenting, it looks different for each mother and family. There are a few common  ways that can accommodate your needs. 

  • Supplementing Breastfeeding: This is when you use a formula to supplement your breast milk. This method is great if you deal with a low milk supply or to allow for shared feeding responsibilities with your partner or baby’s caregiver.
  • Alternating Feeds: With this approach, you can switch between breastfeeding and formula feeding at different times of the day. For example, you can breastfeed in the morning and evening and then opt for formula in the afternoon. 
  • Combination in One Feed: This involves mixing breast milk and formula in the same bottle for a convenient feeding option. This option can also be helpful for babies who are transitioning between breastmilk and formula. 

Benefits of Combo Feeding for Your Baby

If you couldn’t tell by now, there are so many benefits to combo feeding your baby. From nutritional flexibility, which ensures your baby gets all the nutrients they need. 

Nutritional Flexibility

One of the main benefits of combo feeding is the nutritional flexibility it offers your baby. Breast milk provides essential antibodies and nutrients, while formula can ensure the baby gets enough food if the breast milk supply is low. With combo feeding, you can still provide the benefits of breast milk while also making sure they’re getting enough to eat through the help of formula. 

If your baby’s appetite increases and your breasts can’t keep up, formula can fill that gap and ensure they’re getting enough nutrients. Lastly, incorporating formula into your feeding practice will also expose your baby to diverse nutrients. This is actually very beneficial as it can make the transition to solid foods easier for your baby as they are more accustomed to trying new things and tastes with formula. Alicia “Chacha” Miller, MS, RD, LDN, also explained fortified infant formula contains vital nutrients like iron and vitamin D, which is so beneficial. These nutrients are essential for your baby’s growth and development. 

Benefits of Combo Feeding for Moms

So, shocker—not really—but breastfeeding is also about you! Let’s get into the benefits of combo feeding for mothers. From convenience to improving your emotional well-being, combo feeding can change how you look at breastfeeding. 

Flexibility and Convenience

One of the best benefits of mixed feeding is the flexibility and convenience for moms. You can now share the responsibilities of feeding with your partner or your baby’s caregiver. “It can offer breastfeeding parents more freedom by allowing others, such as partners or family members, to participate in feeding, providing hands-on support and shared responsibility in the baby’s care,” Miller said. This allows you to take on less of the stress associated with breastfeeding and balance other life demands. 

Stress Reduction and Emotional Well-Being

For many mothers, the stress that comes with breastfeeding can manifest in anxiety or even guilt. You may feel like you’re not a good enough mom if you can’t solely breastfeed your baby. But remember, your baby can receive adequate nutrition from both breast milk and formula. Knowing this can alleviate guilt and you can give yourself permission to and let go of what other people think. Remember, there’s not enough breast milk in the world to replace a happy mom. 

Physical Health Benefits

If you experience things like engorgement or sore nipples, combo feeding your baby can provide you with the physical relief you need. Breastfeeding takes a toll on your body. It can impact your hydration levels, calorie intake and overall health. When you reduce the frequency of breastfeeding through combo feeding, you can give your body a much-needed break. 

Practical Tips for Successful Combo Feeding

Now that you know all the benefits of combo-feeding your baby, how do you ensure a successful combo feeding journey? Here are some tips on transitioning to a successful mixed-feeding routine.

Consult with a Lactation Consultant

If if you’re considering combo-feeding your baby and would like professional guidance on this transition,  consult a lactation consultant. Contrary to popular belief, a reputable and experienced lactation consultant will help you with all of your feeding goals, not just promote exclusively breastfeeding.  They can help you create a personalized plan that fits you and your baby’s needs. They can also  figure out the best times to use formula or breastfeed, decide on the right formula, offer advice on making the transition smooth and more. 

Monitor Your Baby’s Cues

As with traditional breastfeeding, you should pay attention to your baby’s cues. As you’re combo feeding your baby, pay attention to your baby’s hunger cues and adjust your feeding routine as needed to ensure they are satisfied and gaining weight appropriately. You can also watch their bowel movements, making sure the consistency is soft and not runny or hard. Your baby should also be content after feedings, which usually means the formula is sitting well with them. If your baby is spitting up more than a normal amount, it could be that they’ve eaten too much or too fast. To avoid this, you can burp them more often during and after feedings. 

Maintain Open Communication

Lastly, make sure you keep your healthcare provider informed and in the loop about your combo feeding  plan. They can help ensure your baby’s nutritional needs are being met, track their growth and address any concerns you might have. 

Combo feeding your baby is beneficial in many ways. It offers nutritional flexibility for your baby and emotional and often physical relief for you. Mixed feeding offers flexibility with your schedule and takes the stress off your body to solely breastfeed. 

“Ultimately, combo feeding can be a great option for many families. When deciding how to feed your child, it’s important to focus on what works best for both you and your baby. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution—just what aligns with your circumstances and meets your family’s needs,” Miller said. 

Embrace the feeding method that suits your family’s needs and don’t forget to seek support from healthcare professionals to create a fulfilling feeding experience. If people in your life are shaming you for combo feeding, try your best to ignore them and remind yourself that you are doing what is right for your baby and you. “I don’t see any benefit to shaming a parent for how they individually choose to feed their infant,” Peck said. It doesn’t matter why someone chooses to combination feed their infant because their feeding journey is their own.”Remember, the best feeding method is the one that works for your family.


  • Esha Minhas

    Esha Minhas is a third-year student at Northeastern University studying Journalism and Political Science. She's currently the editorial and social intern for Mila & Jo Media. Esha is also the Deputy Sports Editor for The Huntington News and covers Northeastern men's hockey. When she's not busy with work or school, you can find her at the gym, baking for her friends and family and watching anything sports related.

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